Test tube baby Process: In Vitro Fertilization

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Test Tube Baby
Test Tube Baby

What is a test tube baby?

Test Tube Baby is honestly a conversational old term for IVF process. Here IVF ‘in vitro fertilization’ is that procedure done to couples unable to conceive on their own. In this procedure medicinal drug through tablets or injections are given to the lady till she matures eggs. The eggs are extracted from her ovary and transferred to in vitro or a ‘test-tube’. Inside the laboratory. The eggs are introduced with her partner’s sperm using a machine called micromanipulator under a microscope. The fertilization and growth of the embryos are observed for 2-5 days. The promoted embryos are afterward transferred to the uterus of the woman to be the mother. This procedure is not successful in every woman. It depends on many factors of the couple. The final expertise concerning IVF is reaching a successful pregnancy then a healthy baby.

When the test tube baby process started?

The birth of the first ‘test tube’ baby was in July 1978, in UK. Now, after a period of about 33 years, more than 4 million babies have been born using IVF procedure. The first test tube baby was tried on a woman with blocked tubes. Before the development of IVF, woman with blocked tubes were sterile and could never deliver a baby. Several surgical methods to clear the blockage was tried but went in vain. Women with blocked and damaged fallopian tubes, IVF gives the superior chance with the use of their very own eggs.

Why In Vitro Fertilisation is important?

Infertility in developing countries is considered a serious issue. Women are the most sufferers with personal grief and victim of social stigma. Not having children especially in poor communities can create marital and social disharmony. Infertility services are virtually demanding in developing countries from prevention to treatment. Although these countries are overpopulated the compelling need for IVF treatment is immense. Around 60 million people are infertile and in need of treatment worldwide.

     The normal couple, usually conceive within 6 months to one year of trying for pregnancy. Maximum cases of infertility in developing countries is due to infection. These infections can affect either male or female partner. Infections like gonorrhoea and chlamydia can damage reproductive organs. These infections can be prevented by proper information and awareness.

 Ovulation induction:

The first step of fertility treatment lies in ovulation induction and trying naturally. When a recently married couple visit a fertility specialist they are counselled about fertility and its science. Usually the doctor advises for natural course of pregnancy as the first step. If this fails then she may ask for few tests. The details of the basic investigations are given elsewhere.

IUI {Intrauterine Insemination}:

If the couple are found to be normal in all the tests then IUI is the next process. For IUI process to be successful you must have healthy tubes and your partner should have good sperm count. Although IUI is a simple treatment it can be done in different ways. You can get more information on IUI treatment in this article. Success in IUI treatment is low and after 3 to 4 failures usually your doctor may ask you to go for IVF treatment.

IVF treatment:

IVF is the last resort for infertile couple with good success. It has various steps and technologies included. These procedures vary from patient to patient. It is decided basing on the needs and problems underlying. ICSI, PGD, IMSI, blastocyst culture and assisted hatching are various techniques used in IVF treatment. IVF is an expensive method and many couples can not afford to go for this technique. Many couples stop in the middle due to failure and refrain from further treatment. Before taking a decision for the IVF procedure you must know the advantages and negatives of test tube babies.

What the advantages of IVF procedure

Although this advanced procedure seems bright and attractive you must consult fertility specialist. You must know the procedure in detail before taking a decision.

  • It is already proved that the test tube babies are normal and healthy like any other children.
  • IVF treatment has better success rate than any other methods.
  • Couples can choose to plan early or delay pregnancy
  • It is a method of fertility treatment for blocked tubes.
  • Male factor infertility can be overcome in this method
  • Any familial disorder can be avoided by PGD
  • Women with recurrent miscarriages get benefitted.
  • Couple needing donor eggs or sperms can be treated.
  • Older Women with low ovarian reserve can fulfil their wish to have a child.
  • Couples can avoid the legal and social procedure of adoption by having donor embryo transfer.
  • Women not having a uterus can have their biological child through surrogacy.

Disadvantages of test tube baby treatment

  • IVF treatment is expensive
  • Success of IVF procedure is limited
  • Developing nations are already overpopulated and have limited resources
  • Medications include painful injections
  • Legal implications are many
  • Elderly ladies coming for treatment often have a complicated pregnancy course.
  • Multiple pregnancy causes health risks and financial burden
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation is a life-threatening complication.
  • Poor women are exploited in surrogacy treatment.
  • Ectopic pregnancy can be risky to the woman.
  • Fertilisation failure can cause wastage of money. At times cycles are cancelled due to poor response.
  • Women may manipulate the time of conception and break the natural harmony.

What is the difference between surrogacy and test tube baby procedure?

The IVF technique starts off involving with hormone treatment of the female partner.  This is committed within rule in conformity to raise the development of eggs within her ovary. The eggs are grown in extra so as to increase the success of IVF treatment. This facilitates the growth of many numbers of embryos. After 3- 5 days of culture in the incubator, some over the embryos are transferred to the mother’s uterus to facilitate implantation.

During IVF, ripe eggs are accumulated (retrieved) out of ovaries or fertilized by using sperm within a lab. Then the fertilized embryos are transferred to the uterus. One full cycle of IVF takes about three to four weeks.

The procedure of IVF:

IVF is the most advanced science of assisted reproductive technology. The process may be performed with the use of your own eggs with your partner’s sperm. Also, IVF may additionally involve eggs, sperm, or embryos of a recognized and obscure donor. In some cases, a gestational carrier also called a surrogate, a woman who has an embryo implanted between her uterus may be used. The doctor will do an egg retrival procedure to obtain eggs from your ovary. After egg collection, the embryologist keeps them in a Petri dish and fertilizes with your partner’s sperm through IVF or ICSI procedure. ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection is an advanced technique. Fertilised eggs are then cultured for obtaining embryos which will be ready for transfer into the uterus.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a cure for infertility with genetic problems. Whenever less-invasive treatment choices before attempting IVF fail you and your partner may be suggested an IVF procedure. A test-tube baby is a baby which develops out of sperm and eggs of parents removed from their body, fertilized, and afterward placed inside the uterus where it continues to grow.

Surrogacy process:

    Surrogacy provides a choice for couples whosoever wish to have a test tube baby but cannot carry the baby due to problems in the uterus or due to obstacles of health issues. Since biblical times, surrogacy is described concerning supporting many couples and families. Traditional surrogacy involves fertilizing the surrogate’s eggs together with sperm from a supposed father or mother and donor. In this method the surrogate mother is also related as biological mother concerning the child. There is another type of surrogacy where the surrogate mother is not related to the baby. She rents her womb to carry the baby till delivery. This process is called gestational surrogacy.

  • Surrogacy process also requires IVF process and is a kind of test tube baby.
  • When a woman tries to have a child but can’t carry the pregnancy due to heart or kidney problems surrogacy is a choice for her.
  • Women who are born without a uterus or whose uterus has been removed due to tumour or cancer can also bear child with surrogacy.
  • Some women have repeated abortions as their uterus does not support the growth of baby. They may choose to deliver the baby with the help of surrogate mother.
Test tube baby
Test tube baby

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  1. January 12, 2022

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