Fertility Test For Men and Women

fertility test
fertility test

Male fertility test

There are lots of tests you can take to find out the cause if you’re facing infertility. Fertility tests for men includes semen analysis and hormone tests. Semen fertility test is cheaper and easier to find the cause for male fertility. Male fertility profile includes your semen analysis and your hormones like FSH, LH, Testosterone, Prolactin and TSH. Even though you may be having good sperm production you fail to have a baby at times. These tests will find out the underlying causes and thus help you procure biological child. At times your fertility doctor may ask for genetic analysis or karyotyping to find the cause of male infertility.

Cost of male fertility tests

Cost of male profile test may seem to be higher but basic semen test will give an idea of the fault. Semen test cost in Chennai is affordable and easier to perform at Femelife Fertility.

Sperm fertility test

Some men may go for fertility testing before trying to get a pregnancy. Semen test is a low-cost test and can tell about sperm health. Active sperm percentage and sperm without defects are calculated in this test. Some men may have very good sperm count but moving sperms are less in them. This condition is called asthenospermia. If the semen analysis shows more number of defective sperms than healthy ones then it is called Teratozoospermia. Azoospermia is a condition where your semen analysis doesn’t show any sperms live or dead.

ICSI Treatment helps

Fertilisation can fail due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. ICSI refers to the laboratory procedure which overcomes hindrance in fertilisation failure due to male infertility.

Hormone tests for Male

Your fertility specialist may advise for higher tests like hormone tests if you have abnormal sperm count. Hormones like FSH indicates sperm production while LH will tell about quality. You have an option for higher fertility treatment like ICSI with extracted sperms even though there is no sperms in semen analysis. For this reason, your fertility hormone tests are required. If your FSH and LH are within normal limit your doctor may advise for PESA/ TESA or testicular biopsy.

Genetic analysis for male infertility

Causes of fertility are not known but includes environmental and genetic factors.

Tests done to checkWhat are the tests
Health & FitnessHemoglobin, Blood Sugar, Kidney and Liver function tests
Infection ScreeningHIV, Hepatitis B & C, Syphillis
HormonesFSH, LH, Testosterone, TSH, Prolactin
Sperm checkSemen analysis
Genetic TestingKaryotyping
Male fertility tests

Female fertility test

Female fertility tests include hormone tests, fallopian tube test and genetic analysis.

What causes female infertility?

About one quarter of female infertility is caused by a problem with ovulation. This can be due to an imbalance of luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). FSH & LH help normal follicular growth. Luteinising hormone (LH) plays a key role in gonadal function. LH in synergy with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates follicular growth and ovulation. LH plays complimentary to FSH.

Thus, normal follicular growth is the result of complementary action of FSH and LH.

Female fertility profile test

Fertility testing before trying to get pregnant helps to find the causes of infertility and correct it. When a woman is undergoing a fertility work-up, cycle Day 3 is the day she has blood work performed to check the levels of three important levels: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH) and estradiol (E2).

What happens if FSH hormone is high?

High FSH is found in women nearing menopause. High levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in a woman’s blood could reduce chances of getting pregnant. High FSH indicates failing ovaries. There is no treatment available when FSH level rises and couple are offered egg donation programme to procure a baby.

What is the role of LH hormone in female reproduction?

LH is important for oocyte maturation. Along with FSH, it regulate steroidogenesis throughout follicular development. LH also stimulates the conversion of progesterone into androgens which helps to maintain pregnancy. High LH levels are found in PCOS and indicates low quality of oocytes.

How progesterone helps fertility?

Progesterone, prepares the uterus of a woman to get pregnant. The ovaries produce the progesterone hormone just after ovulation. Progesterone levels generally peak one week after ovulation. Throughout pregnancy progesterone levels remain high and prevents abortion or premature deliveries. In IVF treatment progesterone preparations are given to help implantation and sustain pregnancy.

How important is AMH in female reproduction?

Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) predicts ovarian reserve. AMH is produced by the very small pre-antral stages of ovarian follicles. AMH testing can be done on any day of the woman’s cycle. High AMH is seen with PCOS and low AMH in patients with low ovarian reserve. Usually women with very low AMH do not produce eggs and are advised for oocyte donation programme.

Why Prolactin is included in female fertility test?

Prolactin (PRL), hormone helps females, to produce milk. High levels of Prolactin can be caused by pituitary tumours. Prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. Elevated prolactin levels interfere with the secretion of reproductive hormones from the brain (hypothalamus), resulting in a decrease in circulating levels of estrogen (female). This can lead to infertility, menstrual irregularity, and absence of menstruation, and loss of sexual interest in women.

How thyroid hormone affects fertility?

Normal TSH levels are the pre-requisites for fertilization. Undiagnosed and untreated thyroid disease can be a cause for infertility. Normal thyroid function is necessary for fertility and to sustain a healthy pregnancy. Low thyroid hormone levels (Hypothyroidism) influences ovarian function by decreasing levels of sex-hormone-binding globulin and increasing the secretion of prolactin. In women of reproductive age, hypothyroidism can be reversed by thyroxine therapy to improve fertility and avoid the need for use of assisted reproduction technologies.

Can oestrogen play a role in infertility?

Oestrogen is one of the most important female reproductive hormones which is produced by the developing follicles in a woman’s ovaries. Oestrogen prepares the endometrium of uterus for implantation. Abnormal levels of estradiol, an important form of oestrogen, decreases chances of IVF success. A woman’s ovarian function and quality of eggs can be evaluated through testing oestrogen.

3 Responses

  1. May 19, 2020

    […] Fertility Test […]

  2. January 24, 2021

    […] Fertility Test […]

  3. November 15, 2022

    […] Fertility Test […]

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