Egg Freezing Cost in India – Fertility Preservation

Egg freezing cost in India
Egg freezing cost in India

Egg Freezing Cost in India

                 Egg freezing cost in India is cheaper than other countries. It is a process of cryofreezing for fertility preservation. If you wish to delay a family, you have a new era and technology. In short, egg freezing is useful for women delaying pregnancy in age related fertility decline. Egg freezing cost in India is affordable and attracts patients from abroad as well. Anyone who wants to delay pregnancy or cannot avoid a delayed marriage benefits from this procedure. Childless women with diseases of tube or low fertility in male partner are offered IVF treatment.

When to choose for Egg Freezing?

You may choose to delay the family way due to financial constraints or till you get a right partner. Egg freezing doesn’t require sperm because the eggs aren’t fertilized before they’re frozen. In the first place your doctor will advise a health check and fertility screening. Afterwards, you will have to use fertility drugs and go through IVF process before freezing eggs.

 Why egg freezing is done?

You may choose to go for egg freezing in the following conditions:

  1. If you are above 35 years and still searching for the right partner you may opt for egg freezing.
  2. If you are going for cancer treatment your doctor will advise for fertility preservation.
  3. Excess eggs during IVF process may be frozen instead of embryo freezing if good sperms are not available. Sperm quality can be improved over time and later used for embryo generation.
  4. If you are suffering from a progressive medical illness you may choose to freeze eggs before your disease becomes severe.
  5. Donor eggs are at times frozen for future use.
  6. Transgender patients may opt for freezing of eggs before gender change surgery.

Why egg freezing is advised in elderly women delaying pregnancy?

        In today’s world infertility is becoming more common due to advanced age because many women wait until their 30s to begin their families. Even though you are healthier and taking better care of yourself you can’t prevent ageing of eggs. Improved health in later life does not offset the natural age-related decline in fertility. A woman’s cycles will remain regular, 26 to 35 days, until her late 30s to early 40s when her cycles become shorter. As time passes, her periods become increasingly infrequent until they cease completely. When a woman has not had a menstrual period for 1 full year, she is said to be in menopause.

Women and fertility decline

        As women age, fertility declines due to normal, age-related changes that occur in the ovaries. However, men continue to produce sperm throughout their lives, a man’s decrease in sperm characteristics occurs much later. Sperm quality deteriorates somewhat as men get older, but it generally does not become a problem before a man is in his 60s.  A woman’s best reproductive years are in her 20s. Fertility gradually declines in the 30s, particularly after age 35.

Am I old enough to freeze eggs?

If you are healthy and you are around 30 years, each month you try, you have a 20% chance of getting pregnant. That means that for every 100 fertile 30-year-old women trying to get pregnant in 1 cycle, 20 will be successful and the other 80 will have to try again. By age 40, a woman’s chance is less than 5% per cycle, so fewer than 5 out of every 100 women are expected to be successful each month. Women do not remain fertile until menopause. The average age for menopause is 51. The age-related loss of female fertility happens because both the quality and the quantity of eggs gradually decline. 

Egg Quality

A woman’s age is the most accurate test of egg quality, because egg quality decreases as the woman approaches menopause. An important change in egg quality is the frequency of genetic abnormalities which make the aging woman less likely to become pregnant and more likely to have miscarriages. As a woman gets older, more and more of her eggs have either too few or too many chromosomes. That means that if fertilization occurs, the embryo also will have too many or too few chromosomes. Freezing female eggs cost in India is affordable and the procedure is also safe.

Egg Quantity

  Ageing women begin to lose ovarian reserve before they become infertile and before they stop having regular periods. As ovarian reserve declines, the follicles become less and less sensitive to FSH stimulation, so that they require more stimulation for an egg to mature and ovulate. However, young women may have reduced ovarian reserve due to smoking, family history of premature menopause, and prior ovarian surgery. Young women may have diminished ovarian reserve even if they have no known risk factors.

How Infertility Evaluation is done in Advanced Maternal Age?

If a woman is 35 or older, infertility evaluation should begin earlier than younger women, usually after 6 months of trying to conceive. Fertility tests may include ovulation detection and evaluation of the fallopian tubes, cervix, and uterus. The male partner will have a semen analysis. Most testing can be completed within 6 months, and appropriate treatment can be started immediately after the evaluation is completed. Older women are more likely to have a medical disorder, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, which should be evaluated before fertility treatment. 

What happens to baby ?

Children born to women over age 35 have a higher risk of chromosomal problems. However, women can choose to discuss these risks with their clinical care provider or a genetic counsellor prior to attempting pregnancy. Quality of eggs deteriorate with age and decrease in numbers. Egg freezing procedure will enable you to procure your biological child in future.

What are the risks of egg freezing?

           Risks of cryofreezing are also applied to egg freezing. If you have decided for egg freezing you must consider few points.

  1. Egg freezing doesn’t guarantee a future pregnancy. You may have to go for donor egg programme if the frozen eggs fail to give pregnancy.
  2. Frozen eggs carry the risk of damage during the process of cryofreezing. In this case, you have go again for IVF or opt for alternative treatment as suggested by your fertility specialist.
  3. Your frozen eggs also carry the risk of contamination or infection. Infection is a rare phenomenon in cryofreezing but can happen at rare instances.  

What is the egg freezing cost in India?

                  Egg freezing cost in India is around 150000 – 170000 INR. It includes the cost of IVF protocol and egg retrieval. In this package cost of ICSI and embryo transfer is not included. IVF protocol cost includes the medications and injections used to stimulate the ovaries. Egg collection, anesthesia for the procedure, egg screening and denudation are the costs included in the package. Egg freezing cost in India depends on the time period opted by the patient. Longer the time costlier is the procedure as freezing requires periodic adding of liquid nitrogen into the frozen sample.

 Egg Freezing Cost at Femelife

Procedures followedWhat is includedCost in INR
Initial ScreeningFertility hormone tests and health check8000 – 10000
Ovarian stimulationInjections and Medications70000 – 80000
Cycle MonitoringUSG, Hormone tests, Consultation10000 – 15000
Surgical ProcedureEgg retrieval under anesthesia20000 – 25000
IVF laboratoryEgg screening and denudation25000 – 30000
CryofreezingFreezing and maintenance20000- 30000
Egg Freezing Cost

Where egg freezing is done in India?

India is a hub for fertility treatment in South Asia and attracts childless couples from Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai, UK and USA. In addition, NRI patients prefer India because of its low-cost fertility services. Egg freezing and IVF protocol in India costs around 150000 – 170000 INR.

                   As egg freezing cost in India is affordable it attracts patients world wide. You must choose a Centre in India where cryopreservation of eggs is done regularly. Expert embryologists can give good success with frozen eggs. Femelife Fertility is such an IVF Centre in Chennai which has achieved milestone success in IVF/ICSI and advanced fertility treatment.

Egg freezing cost in India
Freezing Eggs

How long can you freeze your eggs?

      Human eggs can survive for a long time but should abide by laws of different countries. In India, frozen eggs and their records are maintained for 10 years. You can extend duration of freezing by request to the Centre. It can be done at an extra cost.

What is social egg freezing?

     Healthy and fertile women seeking egg freezing for own convenience is called social egg freezing. At times women delay child bearing for better career or in search of suitable partner. This decision puts them into age related fertility issues. Fertility preservation in terms of egg freezing helps them for procuring biological child in future. Social egg freezing means to preserve and store a woman’s oocytes for non-medical purposes. However, this creates a controversy in the society as gays, lesbians and single mothers take advantage of it. Social egg freezing may set a trend towards delayed childbearing.

Also Read –

Embryo Freezing

6 Responses

  1. May 6, 2020

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  2. May 6, 2020

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  3. May 6, 2020

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  4. May 17, 2020

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  5. May 29, 2020

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  6. June 16, 2020

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