Pregnancy Calculator & Baby Growth
A pregnancy calculator helps to find the due date or estimated date when the baby will be born using the last day of menstruation.
We Care For your Family
A pregnancy calculator helps to find the due date or estimated date when the baby will be born using the last day of menstruation.
The amount of pregnancy weight gain depends on the medical condition of the mother and gestational status of fetus.
Working pregnant women should avoid prolonged working hours, shift work, lifting, standing and heavy physical workload.
Sweet potato during pregnancy effectively reduces insulin resistance and fasting glucose levels in gestational diabetes.
Following ovulation, the mature follicle can turn into fluid-filled sacs called ovarian cysts. Various types of cysts in the ovaries are seen.
Protein diet is essential for supporting the rapid changes in mother and growth and development of baby through out pregnancy.
Tender and painful swelling of breasts in a feeding mother is known as breast engorgement. It’s caused by increases in milk production.
Menopause appears when the ovaries have no longer release an egg every month and menstruation ceases to occur in women above 40 years.
The female eggs develop from small cells inside the ovaries. After various stages of development eggs are released during ovulation.
Smoking causes an extensive increase in osteoporosis. Women who smoke are at risk of cancer and accelerated risk of cardiovascular ailments