PCOD Diet Chart – PCOS Treatment In Chennai

pcod diet chart
pcod diet chart

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is common among young women. Around 10% of women of reproductive-age exhibit the symptoms of PCOD. You can have multiple problems in PCOS. Acne, growth of facial hair, rapid weight gain occurs in young girls. Women with PCOS have menstrual irregularity, and infertility. Your doctor may find problems of insulin resistance (IR). In addition, you may have clinical hyperandrogenism and/or high levels of androgens in blood. As a result, your ovaries show many cysts in ultrasound and gives polycystic appearance.

Lifestyle changes and PCOS

Lifestyle changes like exercise and diet modification have impact on PCOS. These factors will bring in visible changes in PCOS women. You will observe reduction in acne, irregular periods, hair thinning, hair loss. Your body produces excess of testosterone in PCOD. This will cause excess hair growth and mood swings in you. However, you can control all these with good diet plan and exercise schedule. Diet plays a vital role in controlling and improving PCOS. Follow a healthy and balanced diet that consists of proper nutrients. It can modify the problems of PCOD. Weight reduction will help you improve insulin production in this situation.

Why insulin is important for us?

Pancreas; an organ in your abdomen produces a hormone insulin. It helps glucose to enter into your cells from blood. In short, the food you eat enters blood as glucose. This glucose helps your cells to produce energy. Insulin is essential for entry of glucose to cells. Blood glucose, also called blood sugar, rises after you eat. As a result, your pancreas releases insulin into the blood. Insulin then lowers your circulating blood glucose to keep it in the normal range. Insulin also inhibits the hepatic production of sex hormone-binding globulin and insulin-like growth factor binding protein. A PCOS diet plan typically aims at lowering your sugar levels and helps reducing insulin requirement.

What is insulin resistance in PCOD?

Insulin resistance means your body is unable to utilize the hormone. In other words, Insulin action is insufficient for your need. So it creates a relative deficiency of hormones in your body. You land upon insulin resistance state although the body secrets increased amounts of insulin. In PCOD insulin resistance plays an important role. Women with PCOS have risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). You have profound insulin resistance with defects in insulin secretion in PCOD. If you are obese these changes are exaggerated. PCOS-related insulin resistance is an important cause diabetes woman.

Insulin level in PCOS

Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t easily take up glucose from your blood. As a result, your pancreas makes more insulin to help glucose enter your cells. At times more production of insulin by the pancreas can overcome the mild insulin resistance and will prevent you from getting diabetes. PCOS diet reduces the requirement for insulin secretion and reduces the burden on your Pancreas.

Are PCOS women always obese?

PCOD patients are not always markedly overweight. However, PCOS is strongly associated with abdominal obesity and insulin resistance. So as to say, you may be thin but with lot of fat around the belly and thighs. Insulin resistance has been identified in the majority of lean and obese PCOS. Follow a well-balanced PCOS diet chart and nutrition programme. It can improve your hormone disorders. You can achieve normal fertility function even without marked weight loss. You should follow a custom made PCOS diet and exercise plan.

What are the nutrients essential in PCOD diet?

A well planned PCOD diet contains many macro and micronutrients. Macronutrients like fat, carbohydrates and proteins play a major role in controlling symptoms of PCOS. Fat should be around 30% of total calories of your meal. Always take a low proportion of saturated fat. Choose carefully the carbohydrate content of your diet. You can take carbohydrate of low glycaemic index. High intake of carbohydrate can cause weight gain and also stimulates hunger and carbohydrate craving. High GI food items include boiled potatoes, white bread, biscuits, cake, baked fava beans. Micronutrients like vitamins, minerals should also be well balanced. PCOS diet chart is prepared with help of nutritionist and diabetologist.

How PCOD diet helps?

A moderate reduction in dietary carbohydrate reduces the insulin level. Among women following PCOD diet chart reproductive outcomes is much better. Therefore, treatment for PCOS subjects typically includes insulin-lowering drugs and lifestyle changes.

Weight loss, is a successful treatment for the PCOS population. Weight loss has also proven to be an effective treatment for PCOD women with diabetes. It is accompanied by an increase in insulin sensitivity.

PCOD Diet Chart
PCOD Diet Chart

Planning a PCOD diet

You should follow certain recommendations like:

  • Do not eat carbohydrates alone. You can combine them with protein and fat content as well.
  • Limit carbohydrate quantity. Recommended carbohydrates should be around 20 grams in breakfast, 40 grams for lunch and around 30 grams for dinner.
  • Choose carbohydrates with lower glycaemic index foods as they will cause a slower rise in blood sugar. The lower glycaemic carbohydrates have more fiber and low-calorie content.


  • Processed foods – Processed foods have high glycemic index . They can make you put on weight. In other words, do include advantages of whole grains and cereals. Avoid refined sugars like cookies, ice crème, sweets.
  • Take a moderate amount of protein and fat. Choose lean meat and less saturated fat.
  • Always include green leafy vegetables and salads in the PCOS diet menu.
  • Take two servings of fruits every day.
  • Avoid food with extra salt, take a diet with reduced sodium content.
  • Calculate calorie intake on your activity needs. This helps you to shed extra weight.

How to plan your meal in PCOS?

Vegetables  Sugars Small meals  Avoid fasting 
ProteinsRefined sugarsFrequent  mealsReduction of insulin resistance
High fiber dietProcessed foodsPlenty of waterAvoid constipation
Nuts and SeedsSaturated fatsWatch on glycemic indexReduction of androgens (male hormones)
Healthy oilsHigh calorie mealsRestrict quantity of foodWeight reduction
Planning meal for PCOS weight loss

What is food Spacing and why it is important?

Space the carbohydrates out during the day. This will cause less of rise in blood sugar and insulin. Insulin peaks as you eat more carbohydrates in meal. The Carbohydrate addicts Diet recommends eating all the carbohydrates at one meal. You can split your carbs trough small frequent meals. This diet helps control food cravings and promotes weight loss.

Avoid those carbohydrates that trigger more hunger or cravings. Calorie intake should be distributed between several meals per day with low intake from snacks and drinks.

Is Egg good for PCOS?

A high protein diet reduces carb craving and reduce insulin levels.  PCOD diet should include lots of lean meat, fish and eggs. Eggs are low-calorie food rich in protein and other nutrients. Eating eggs may support weight loss in PCOS.

Is milk good for PCOD?

Include low-fat dairy, low-fat milk and yoghurt which contain <2% of total fat. Similarly, low-fat cheese with <20% of total fat content is preferable in PCOD diet. In other words, avoid high fat dairy, high-fat milk, high-fat yoghurt, high-fat cheese, and chocolate milk.

Which vegetables to take in ?

Vegetable in your diet should include Green leaves like Spinach, lettuce. You can have mixed vegetables like Cruciferous vegetables. tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers make a good salad. Low calorie and filling vegetables are eggplants, garlic, turnips, squash, mushrooms, onions. Pumpkin, celery, green peas, green beans, green paper are also good ones. Micronutrients like vitamins, minerals should also be well balanced. PCOS diet chart is prepared with help of nutritionist and diabetologist.

Which oil is preferable in PCO women?

Oils like Vegetable oils and olive oil are preferable. Chose oils with omega 3 fatty acids. Peanut oil, sunflower oil and rice bran along with mustard oil are best to consume.

What happens to pregnancy in PCOS?

You have increased risk of adverse pregnancy and neonatal complications in PCOS. It is necessary to establish guidelines for supervision during pregnancy and parturition to prevent these complications. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), preeclampsia are life threatening complications. Premature delivery, neonatal birth weight, caesarean section and admission to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). oligohydramnios, and polyhydramnios affects your baby’s health.

What I should not eat in PCOD?

  • Starchy vegetable, potato, pumpkin, green peas, fava beans.
  • Red-meat, Beef, lamb
  • Large fish, Canned tuna fish
  • Fast food, Pizza, processed meats, hamburger, French fries
  • High-fat dairy
  • Carbonated drinks

Which is the best drink for PCOD?

Carbonated beverage harm your health. It can lead to diabetes, hypertension, and kidney stones. Prefer Noncola beverages for better health and nutrition. However, you should avoid caffeine and alcohol to accelerate ovulation. PCOS diet plan includes fruit juices with less sugar as the drinks of choice. Avoid canned fruits or packaged juices as they contain refined sugars.

Does the PCOD diet contain legumes?

PCOD diet menu includes all kinds of legumes. You can include beans, peas, lima beans, lentils, soy etc. Try to take in moderate amount as they are high calorie foods.

Can PCOS diet plan cure the problem?

PCOS can be only modified but not cured. The symptoms of PCO depend on how irregular are your hormones. These hormones can profoundly affect your body structure and mood. Along with, they can affect the body functions leading you to a diseased state. However following a healthy diet will undermine all such changes. As you grow older these hormonal changes reduce in severity sue to natural regression of hormones. Yes, there is no such medications to cure your PCOD but it can be suppressed by a healthy lifestyle.

6 Responses

  1. Deepika Bala says:

    Thanks for the amazing blog. It is very useful. I also suffered from PCOS. I’m using lot of supplements like PCOS seeds, Healthveda. These supplements did not cure PCOS. Finally i found Solvve Supplement. Solvve supplement has helped me a lot to recover from PCOS. I tried specific diet. and I like that taste. It is like a juice. Now, I’m very happy and more healthy. Thank god!.. I hope If you suffer from PCOS The below link will help you greatly.

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